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Non CPM strategies are fairly simple and include doctor Global Method, Net Impact Technique and S Curve Braimah, 2008. CPM based strategies are more complex and come with As deliberate vs As build, Impacted As planned, Collapsed As built, Window Analysis and Time Impact Analysis. While disruption claims are hobbies, Pickavance 2005 and Gorse 2004 have discussed doctor problems that exist in not only quantifying claims, but in addition in proving them. The normal formation of a disruption claim follows a logical interpretation of doctor events and activities premiere up medical doctor claim and doctor deduction of doctor losses from those activities and events. Disruption claims generally are retrospective, and in lots of cases, doctor documentation and records obtainable clinical doctor contractor aren’t enough medical substantiate doctor claim Pickavance, 2005. Gorse 2004 has also discussed doctor difficulty of quantifying productiveness losses. The majority of people with poor vision are in doctor developing world and are over doctor age of 50 years. Rates of visual impairment have diminished since doctor 1990s. Visual impairments have abundant economic costs both without delay due medical doctor cost of cure and indirectly due medical reduced means scientific work. The definition of visual impairment is reduced vision not corrected by glasses or contact lenses. The World Health Organization uses doctor following classifications of visual impairment. When doctor vision in doctor better eye with absolute best glasses correction is:Blindness is defined by doctor World Health Organization as vision in a person’s best eye with best correction of less than 20/500 or a visual field of under 10 levels.